Lindsay Lohan is destroying little sister Ali

Posted by Filiberto Hargett on Wednesday, July 10, 2024

It’s rather pointless to wonder what’s wrong with Lindsay Lohan anymore. There are people who you can tell are going through a phase, and then there are people who you can tell that’s just who they are. Lindsay isn’t just some careless girl acting out in her early twenties. This is who she is, and I honestly feel it’s who she always will be. Mostly it’s a numbers game: she just has too many issues working against her. And not enough going for her in terms of intellect and self-awareness. But Lindsay’s not content with merely destroying her own life – she’s got to bring others down with her.

According to Life & Style, Lindsay’s become super close with her 15-year-old sister Ali. From what I’ve noticed it seems like they’ve always been fairly close, especially considering there’s an 8 year age difference between them. And technically Lindsay lives on the west coast while Ali lives on Long Island with their mom. But apparently in the last year or so, as Lindsay’s fallen farther and farther into the crazy pit, she’s been relying more and more on Ali – to the point that Ali has dropped out of high school to spend all her time with Lindsay. Technically she’s in a home school program, but no one believes she’s really doing it; it’s just for legality’s sake. And that’s just the icing on the cake.

Considering Lindsay Lohan’s history with drugs and alcohol — including arrests for drunk driving and cocaine possession, along with multiple stints in rehab — the last place the star should be hanging out is a bar. But what made her 11:30 p.m. outing to LA’s Crown Bar on Sept. 4 especially shocking was Lindsay’s companion: her 15-year-old sister, Ali. “I couldn’t believe Ali was there,” one guest tells Life & Style. “They partied until after 1 a.m., and she treated Ali as if she were just one of her friends at the club with her. And Ali was excited to be there. She loved being out on the scene with her sister. It was as if she knew she belonged there.”

The girls’ father, Michael Lohan, thinks Ali’s strong enough to resist temptation. “I’m glad Lindsay and Ali remain so close,” he tells Life & Style. “However, they’re independent people and are capable of making their own decisions.”

But Ali’s already in dangerous territory. Near the end of last year, she stopped going to school, and Lindsay took her in. “Ali is enrolled in a homeschool program,” mom Dina tells Life & Style. Now, despite an eight-year age difference, the sisters are like twins, dressing alike, looking shockingly skinny and sporting plumped-up lips. “Anything Lindsay does, Ali wants to do,” a family insider says. Ali’s also witness to the chaos of Lindsay’s romance with Samantha Ronson. Early in the morning of Sept. 12, the couple had one of their regular blowouts and split up yet again, says the family insider.

[From Life & Style Weekly]

It’s strange to me that in California people under 21 are allowed in bars – even little kids. I thought that the rule was as long as they’re accompanied by a parent or guardian, but I guess that’s not the case or the story would have a law breaking angle to it. When I lived in Seattle I knew a former Californian who constantly complained about Washington’s draconian bar laws. She used to like to plop her kids in a booth with a burger and then try to pick up men. How annoying to put a crimp in her lifestyle. Nonetheless, from what I can tell Lindsay and Ali weren’t breaking any laws by being in the bar, but obviously any drinking would have been a crime. As is the smoking.

I understand that Lindsay wants company and to feel less lonely. She needs some legit, honest friends. But how could any sibling watch her sister smoke at that age? It seems like she’s probably even encouraging it. I’m guessing it gives Lindsay a sense of camaraderie. Same with the dressing and shrinking alike. But doesn’t some sense of responsibility kick in, just out of familial love? I get that Lindsay doesn’t ever feel responsible for herself, but how could an older sister not feel protective?

The entire story is so sad and so selfish. Lindsay’s determined to turn Ali into her. That way she won’t ever have to be envious. If she messes her up as much as possible now, there’s nothing for her to worry about later on. The entire thing is about meeting Lindsay’s needs. Naturally the next question is “What’s wrong with the parents?” but that’s been asked so many times about the Lohans that there’s no point in even thinking about it anymore. No one in that family gives a sh*t about anyone but themselves. Which doesn’t make it any easier to watch them take each other down.

Here are Ali and Lindsay leaving Taverna Tony restaurant in Malibu on September 6th and shopping in SoHo on August 19th. Images thanks to and Fame Pictures .
