Kanye West spent Thanksgiving at UCLA Medical Center. His hospitalization began on Monday, when he had some kind of breakdown and his private physician either urged Kanye to accept help, or Kanye was admitted into psychiatric care against his will, whatever you choose to believe. TMZ reported on Wednesday that Kanye would be staying at UCLA “until at least week’s end,” and that Kim Kardashian and the rest of the family have been to see him throughout the week. The Kardashians seem to be telling their side of the story to People Magazine almost exclusively though, and People has a slew of exclusive quotes from “sources” about Kanye’s kurrent kondition. Some highlights:
Sources maintain is was all about sleep deprivation. Kim has reportedly been by his side almost the entire time this week. A source says Kanye is “now starting to feel more like himself. He understands that getting help at the hospital was necessary. He is resting and getting help. They are taking it day by day.” He’s also being described as “grateful” for the help and already doing a lot better.
Kanye was in a really bad place. Sources say the people around Kanye are “still trying to wrap their heads around what is going on” and “Kanye was not in a good place when he checked into the hospital. A lot is still up in the air.”
Kim left him alone Wednesday night. I would assume that she probably wasn’t allowed to stay overnight? She left UCLA Wednesday night and returned Thursday to see him. As for the kids, North and Saint, they’ve been with nannies and (probably) grandma Kris Jenner. Reportedly, even before Kanye’s breakdown, Kim has been living partially at her mom’s house since the Paris robbery anyway.
Meanwhile, Page Six added a new wrinkle of not-so-nice speculation to all of this. Their sources claim that Kanye is just pretending to have a mental breakdown so he can collect the insurance money after cancelling his Saint Pablo tour. The tour was well-insured, and apparently the insurance covers medical emergencies like “temporary psychosis from sleep deprivation,” which is what Kanye’s people claim is happening. This theory – that Kanye is crazy like a fox and collecting a big check – reminds me a lot of the theories about Kim’s Paris robbery. I don’t think Kim and Kanye are the most ethical people in the world, but I also think it’s crazy to think that Kanye was carted off to UCLA in handcuffs as part of some kind of insurance scheme. Especially since we’ve all been witnessing his breakdown in real time, you know?
Photos courtesy of WENN.